Startup at The Avenue

Whether you're brand new or been around for a while. We want to help you get connected. At our Startup class, we'll explore with you to discover more about God, more about you, and more about The Avenue.

Interested in baptism?

Have you made a decision to follow Jesus with your life? Baptism might be your next step. It is a symbol that represents someone’s commitment to God to those around them. We’d love to hear more of your story.


Every Sunday morning, from birth through 5th grade, your child will find a safe and loving environment to encounter Jesus in a way they will understand. They will learn more about God, grow in relationships, and discover the joy of serving others.


At Avenue Students, we want every student to be comfortable with who they are and who God made them to be. We believe that there is a community for everyone here.

Waxahachie Mid-week Experience

Junior High Worship — 6:30 - 7:15 p.m.
High School Worship — 7:30 - 8:15 p.m.

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Ennis Mid-week Experience

Junior High & High School Worship — 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

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Celebrate Recovery

Find a safe place to experience life and freedom from personal hurts, hang-ups, and bad habits in the midst of a loving and encouraging community. We follow a Christ-centered approach that is tried and proven. Jesus had recovery down long before we did!

Meeting times and locations:
Monday - 7:00 p.m. | Waxahachie
Thursday - 6:30 p.m. | Ennis

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Bible Studies

We believe that God has spoken to us through the Bible. We recognize it has the final say for our lives, so it's important that we take time to learn what it has to say. We offer multi-week studies of different parts and themes of the Bible.

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Life Groups

Growth happens in groups. Life Groups help you to grow in community with others, dive deeper into the weekly message, and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

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Whether it's a special event, a Bible study, or something else, discover what's happening at The Avenue designed especially for women.

Classes and Events


Sometimes men need a place where they can simply be themselves. Find out what's happening for men at The Avenue.

Classes and Events


From learning what it means to start a marriage on the right foundation to discovering how to reignite your marriage, The Avenue offers classes several times a year that focus on building up your marriage.

Classes and Events

Open Life Groups